Sunday, February 10, 2019

Poorna Titali Asana (full butterfly)

Sit in the base position.
Bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together,
keeping the heels as close to the perineum as possible.
Fully relax the inner thigh muscles.

Stage I : Clasp the feet with both hands.
Gently move the knees up and then down towards the
floor, but do not use any force.
Practise up to 30 up and down movements.

Stage 2: Keep the soles of the feet together.
Place the hands on the knees.
Using the hands, gently push the knees down towards the
floor, allowing them to spring up again.
Do not force this movement.
Repeat 10 to 30 times. Straighten the legs and relax.

Breathing: Normal breathing, unrelated to the practice.

Awareness: On the hip joint, movement and relaxation.

Contra-indications: People with sciatica and sacral conditions
should avoid this asana.

Benefits: Both stages prepare the legs for mastery of
padmasana and other meditative asanas. The inner thigh
muscles hold a lot of tension which is relieved by these
asanas. They also remove tiredness due to long hours of
standing and walking.

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